I have been lucky to work with many kinds of patients, from children starting out as young as 3 years old to more senior citizens winding down. Together, we have talked about issues preventing them from living fuller lives. Some learned to play better. Some learned to fight less. Some learned to love more.
No problem is too small. Anything getting in the way of living and loving is grist for the mill.
My mission is to provide psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to patients in my practice. I follow ethical guidelines of my clinical license (NJ Clinical Social Worker) and strive to be the person who can help each patient find his or her own core strength and learn to master what life throws his or her way.
Parents who needed encouragement
Teenagers about to go to college
Young adults with body issues learn to eat well and to accept and love their bodies and themselves.
Car accident victims feel safe behind the wheel or in a car again.
Grieving widows find peace in their bereavement.
Fighting couples learn to listen.
Children with attachment issues
People with mood disorders learn how to identify their moods and care for themselves.
People who have trouble feeling feelings, practice feeling them